Sunday, April 15, 2012

Can God and Angels Visit Us?

Do you ever wonder if it is possible to see and visit with God and angels? I believe we can, and it is necessary to see God in this lifetime. God promises us that if we give up our sins, come unto him, call on his name, obey his voice, and keep his commandments, we will see him and know that he is real. D&C 93:1 Many of the people in the scriptures saw God. Most of them were not high up men. Here are some examples of ordinary people who saw God.

While Lehi was praying for his people with his whole heart, a pillar of fire came and dwelt on a rock. I think Jesus was in that fire. Joseph Smith explained Jesus and Heavenly Father as coming in a pillar of light. Joseph Smith—History 1:16. Lehi saw and heard much and because of the things he saw and heard, he quaked and trembled exceedingly. After his vision, he went home and laid on his bed. While he was overcome in the spirit, he saw the Heavens open and he thought he saw God sitting on his thrown surrounded with many angels that were singing and praising him. He saw other things too. 1Nephi 1:5-15 

Enos also wanted to see God. He prayed to God. God forgave Enos and came to Enos. Enos had a vision and was redeemed from the fall. Enos also prayed for his people. Enos 1:1-19 

The brother of Jared saw God. When he saw God’s finger he was struck with fear and fell down. The Lord told him to stand up. The brother of Jared thought God was going to smite him. He did not know God had flesh and bones. He had seen God’s finger because of his faith. The Lord asked the brother of Jared if he believes the words he would tell him. The brother of Jared believes God because he knows God cannot lie. God shows himself to the brother of Jared, and he is redeemed. Ether 3 

Moses also saw God. Moses talked to God face to face. God’s glory was on Moses, and he could endure God’s presence. Moses 1:1-2 

When Jesus and Heavenly Father came to Joseph, he was delivered from Satan. He saw Jesus and Heavenly Father Joseph Smith—History 1:17. When Joseph told a Methodist preacher about his vision, he said that it was of the Devil and that those kind of things stopped with the Apostles. He also treated it lightly.

I believe visions and revelations did not stop with the apostles or Joseph. Moroni tells us all to seek Christ so that the Grace of God, Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost may be upon us. Ether 12:41 (When you are seeking for someone while your playing hide-and-go-seek you are looking for him or her. You do not just believe they are there, but you are finding them.)

We need to seek and find Jesus. God tells us that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever Mormon 9:9. If just ordinary people in the scriptures saw God, then that means we can too!   

By Rachel Willis Age 13


  1. It is not necessary to see the Lord in this life. What is necessary is to align our will with the Lord's will. Lehi's experience happened because he was praying for his people, not because he was seeking to "see" Christ. Joseph Smith's experience happened because he was praying to know which church was true, not because he was trying to "see" Christ or the Father. Enos was praying to be forgiven of his sins, not to "see" Christ. The brother of Jared was praying to the Lord to provide light while crossing the waters, not to "see" Christ or his finger. Our main focus needs to be to do the will of the Lord and in the Lord's own time He will reveal himself unto us. Whether in this life or the next. We need to be careful to not ask for those things that we are not ready for and it is not our decision to make as to when we are ready for it, but it is the Lord's decision to make. Doc. & Cov. 88: 65 & 68 We need to have faith and trust in the Lord's eternal timing. His ways are not limited to this life time. Isaiah 55:8-9 Doc. & Cov. 58:2-4. I know that the first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Alma 32:21, Ether 12:6, Moroni 10:4-5

  2. I don't mean to be disagreeable nor disrespectful to anyone, but why do we always seem to be willing to take less when more is offered?
    I have asked a lot of people if there was a table covered with 2 billion dollars and they were told they could take all the money they wanted, how much would they take. Invariably, they say that they will take just a little. I ask them why they don't take it all. Well, I have to leave some for everyone. Why? The offer was for them. Are we thinking of something we learned in kindergarten?
    It is the same with the offer to come to Christ, to follow him. Where in the world and when in our lives have we been taught to believe that we can't have it all?! Where do we have to share our eternal exaltation?
    We can have all that Christ will give us. If we want to believe we only deserve part of it, then that is all we will accept. He can't shove any more blessings down our throats. It is not in the plan of agency. When we reject every invitation, it is because we are seeing it in shallow waters.
    Oh, I have bought into the false belief that only special people see Christ, that is until I started to meet people who aren't holding any special office or calling in a church. They were people who had such a love of and for Jesus Christ that they couldn't be kept from his presence. Evidently, that is the key here. Love. Love is always the answer. Little children enter the kingdom of Heaven all the time. That is because they believe.
    Check out your beliefs. It is a most revealing experience. If you believe you can't see Christ, that is only for 'special' people, believe me; you won't. If you believe you can, you will, because all things are possible with God. Just check out the Bible. It was Jesus himself who said this in Mark 9:23: Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
    I will put my money on Christ. If he says all things, He means it. All is a big ticket item. I believe Him. I believe in Him, and I am so excited at the prospect of seeing Him sooner than later. He holds great blessings for me. By seeing Him, it is not just getting a good look at his face, hair and eyes. No, no. I will be in his presence. I will feel the prints of the nails in his hands, feet and side. I will bask in His love. I will feel it throughout my entire being.

    And when has Christ ever shown himself that he didn't heal everyone around. He will heal me. Who on this earth isn't ready for some heavy duty relief. Then he will hold me in His arms and I will be ready for even greater things He wants me to do. He did tell me to become like Him. I am all for getting a personal interview and instructions from the Creator of this world. I will do just exactly as I have been asked, I will seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. In 2 separate places the words are identical with this invitation.
    3 Nephi 13:33 and Matthew 6:33 tell us: But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
    I believe we have all been settling for far less than we could have. No wonder Pres. Benson told us we were living far beneath our privileges. I for one want to live us to every privilege that is mine. Please forgive me for stepping on your beliefs, but they are getting in the way of my eternal progression.
