When I got to my apartment, I brought all of my stuff inside and started to unpack. Then my Mom came by later and we went shopping together. We got food, dishes, towels, and some awesome kitchen knives. It was really fun to go shopping with her, and I love the beautiful dishes she bought me for my birthday.
The first night I spent at my apartment was awful because I got sick and couldn’t breathe because my nose was so stuffed up. This sickness has lasted most of the week, and I am still recovering, but I am feeling better. I am grateful for the things I learned by being sick but it was kind of annoying because it took forever for me to get enough energy up to organize all my stuff. It also ruined my ambitious plans to exercise everyday and get up early and all of the other goals I was going to start as soon as I moved out, but I suppose I can start them now that I’m feeling better and it will work just as well.
I really like my roommates and I think we are going to have a great time together this summer. I feel kind of sad leaving my childhood behind and knowing that I will only be visiting when I come home, but I feel good about this next step in my life, and I think it will be a great experience. It is SOOO nice to live in Logan and be close to school and everything else.
By Jaylee Willis age 18
We love you and miss you already. It's hard to believe our little ones are old enough to move out and be on their own.