Friday, May 4, 2012

Enjoying Beautiful Dandelions

Marianne helped me take these pictures.  The dandelions are so beautiful this time of year. 

“The humble dandelion has long been at the side of man, providing nutrition, herbal medicine and the little burst of cheer that comes with the bright little flowers. Throughout the ages, dandelions have been woven into cultural folklore and have become a positive symbols with a variety of meanings. Here is but a sample of the folklore associated with the dandelions.

With some of the first edible foliage and blossoming flowers of spring, dandelions have long been symbols of good things. Woven into a wedding bouquet, they are meant to be good luck for a newly married couple. When dandelions appear in dreams, they are thought to represent happy unions. They are also considered to be symbols of hope, summer and childhood.” Dandelion Myths, Symbolism and Folklore 

“Plants in our lives have great power. . . We have all experienced the ability to regenerate from our roots like the dandelion. Their ability to thrive under the most adverse conditions can teach us persistence and survival.

Dandelions stand for wishes coming true. The dozens of seeds released by each flower head represent fertility and abundance. The seeds' journey illustrates a time of clothing the past and a symbol of hope for starting something new. When we blow away the puffball with it's seeds, we make a wish for something better. It also symbolize faithfulness and happiness, affection returned, desire, sympathy, Oracle of Time and Love.” Color Magic Photography

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